Sunday, June 20, 2010


The book of books said it takes a small as a seed of faith to move a mountain from the other. Sometimes I am just human enough to accept that I find it hard to believe. Even in the midst of everything you still has the bulk of doubts in you. everyone has been in this situation. Trust comes in the middle of faith but its too hard to core the trust and faith, whoever is in the inner and the outer of the circle. If you have just made a markings in one's life to beat the trust, its so hard to erase it from the very start,,you can never blame a situation where lies,lies, all lies has been cluster into. Trust play a major role in all settings, even in time of Jesus Christ where one of the disciples Judas betrayed Jesus..But it has been asked for several times even in times where you can be with the saviour still dishonesty exist.. Now in the our era it is always a disease that has no cure at all. Sometimes you can't blame that some are opted to do dishonesty because it creates a more meaningful and advantage over the honest to goodness. Even great Philosophers still has the "WAR" on either dishonesty still has an impact on the positive side rather that dishonesty. Some loved and prosper with dishonesty but some end their lives due to dishonesty.Still the bottom line is as long as were here in this world, we are bound to do honesty as far as the book said. Anyway the truth will set us free. (article made on one Sunday lazy afternoon ).

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