Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I had a chance to view the Television set by 6:30pm when I came home from work. The very first thing that comes into my mind is that this crisis will just end up peacefully since the hostage taker was a well decorated Policeman on the force, recipient of several awards and definitely an Idolized cop.Not until  almost 8pm when I saw how this policemen arrested several members of the family of the hostage taker. First question that pop up on my mind is that why this people have been arrested? and yet they are not merely inside the bus where the actual site of the hostages. Who ordered the arrest of these individuals? I am just an ordinary civilian who has no knowledge on the given scenario but on that moment when I saw the video during the arrest of these persons, what came into my mind is that if I were the hostage taker it will irritate me and I might start firing one or two hostages in retaliation for arresting my brother or other members my family like a pig. I really was stunned when I saw this policemen in uniform pursuing the arrest. I laugh and I said to my self what a waste?.

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